Arab League Reiterates Support for Egypt’s Position Rejecting Israeli Presence in Philadelphi Corridor

The Arab League has reiterated Arab support for the Egyptian position rejecting the presence of Israeli forces in the “Philadelphi Corridor”, noting that the position is based on rejecting the re-imposition of occupation on the Gaza Strip and its people.

In a statement on Wednesday, Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit said that Egypt’s role is clear in defending Palestinian rights, and the attempt by the head of the occupying state’s government to launch accusations against it is nothing but an attempt to cover up his desire to prolong the war for political and personal reasons.

He noted that the Israeli entity, with its recent positions, especially the lies launched by Netanyahu, risks losing Egypt’s pivotal role in the Middle East.

He pointed out that the Israeli arguments have become exposed. Netanyahu does not want to reach a ceasefire agreement, and his people have become aware of this fact.

The Arab League Chief called for all international parties to exert pressure on the Israeli
entity to reach a ceasefire agreement as soon as possible, in order to save lives and spare the region from the dangerous escalation.

Source: Qatar News Agency