Arab League Warns Over Israeli Reckless, Dangerous Escalation in Middle East

Arab League has warned over the dangerous Israeli escalation in the region, confirming that Israel pursues a reckless policy, and is not aware of the potential dire consequences that could affect the region due to these acts. In a statement, on Wednesday, Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, stressed that assassinations are unlawful acts that unequivocally contravene the international law, and conducting them lays bare a profound underestimation of the international norms and the rules-based order that regulates relationships among states. Aboul Gheit underlined that the international community is required to step up essential pressures on Israel to prevent a full-blown regional conflagration due to the reckless policies being initiated by the Israeli leadership. Hamas had announced earlier Wednesday the assassination of its political bureau chief, Ismail Haniyeh, in the Iranian capital Tehran, following an attack on his residence after attending the inauguration ceremony of the new Ira nian president. (QNA) Source: Qatar News Agency