Baher Photos – The occupation municipality forces a Jerusalemite to demolish his own house

Jerusalem – Ma’an – Jerusalemite citizen, Yousef Atoun, was forced to demolish his home with his own hands on Tuesday evening, by a decision from the occupation municipality.

Atoun explained that the municipality issued a final demolition decision for his house, after 20 years of building it and trying to obtain a license and postponing and freezing the demolition decisions.

Atoun pointed out that the house is about 90 square meters in area, and he lives in it with his family of 6 members.

Atoun pointed out that the municipality imposed a fine on him for ‘unlicensed construction’ over the past years, and he committed to paying it and tried to work on licensing the house, but to no avail.

The occupation municipality forces Jerusalemites to implement demolition decisions (forced/self-demolition), and in the event of non-implementation, the municipality, its crews and machinery carry out the demolition and impose on the Jerusalemite the demolition fee for the municipality and its accompanying forces.

e: Maan News Agency