Cabinet Sets Conditions, Regulations for Part-time Govt Agencies

In its fifteenth issue, the Official Gazette published Cabinet Decision No.13 of 2021 on the conditions and regulations of the part-time working hours system in government bodies, which stipulates that the number of working hours per week shall be reduced by half, at the request of the employee and with the approval of the government, taking into account the interest and needs of the employee, with priority to benefit from the part-time working hours of the Qatari female employee, particularly, the employee with children.

Cabinet Decree No.13 of 2021 ?has set the conditions and regulations of the part-time working system in government agencies. Part-time work is based on an employee’s request, with the approval of the government agency and considering the interest and needs of the employee, in accordance with the provisions of this decree.

A part-time employee is required to:

?1- Be a Qatari official subject to the provisions of the Civil Human Resources Law.

2- Not to be in the general pool of leadership positions.

3- Have successfully passed the probation period.

4- Not to work for more than one government entity.

Source: Government of Qatar