Democracy: The American paper to ‘resume peace negotiations’ is corrupt

Gaza – Together – The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement, in which it described the American paper submitted to the Palestinian official to ‘resume the peace process’ as a corrupt paper and not suitable as a basis for a solution that guarantees our people their legitimate national rights to self-determination, and the establishment of their independent national state, with full sovereignty and its capital. Jerusalem, on the borders of June 4, 1967, and resolving the refugee issue in accordance with Resolution 194, which guarantees them the right to return to the homes and properties from which they were displaced since 1948, and in a way that ensures the dismantling of settlement and the departure of the occupation in all its manifestations.

The Democratic Front added: The American card is based on undermining the resolutions of the United Nations, as it is the legal reference for the legitimate national rights of our people, and also on emptying the Palestinian state of its
sovereign content. The call for a state with a ‘contiguous’ territory means a state with a disjointed territory, separating its regions. Dispersed settlements, checkpoints, crossings, and tunnels. In its discussion of Jerusalem, the paper also resorts to an open formula, opening the door to bargaining over the definition of Jerusalem, the occupied city, and its borders, which robs it of its legal status as an occupied city, and leaves it vulnerable to bargaining and proposing known alternatives, which the coalition has previously agreed upon. The American-Israeli had raised it at previous negotiating stations.

In addition, the paper is full of dictates imposed on the Palestinian state, whether with regard to its security doctrine, its educational and pedagogical programs, or its media strategy, as well as its national and moral duties towards the prisoners, their families, and the families of the martyrs of our people.

The paper also omits the right of return for refugees from its content, and attempts to c
over up the Arab initiative of 2002, which the paper itself ignores, especially the condition of complete Israeli withdrawal from all occupied Arab territories.

The Democratic Front warned of the dangerous mines contained in the American paper, targeting Palestinian national unity, when it calls for distinction between the forces of the Palestinian national movement, imposes a political prohibition on the Palestinian resistance, and calls for its exclusion from the Palestinian political process, and from its right to participate in political action in accordance with compatible Palestinian laws. on her.

The Democratic Front saw this as a clear call for strife within the Palestinian ranks, and an attempt to block the efforts made to restore Palestinian institutional unity and end all manifestations of division within it.

The Democratic Front also warned of what was stated in the American paper, about talk about a ‘transitional phase’ for the establishment of a Palestinian state, in an open maneuver to keep
the so-called ‘permanent solution files’ suspended in the air, as is the case with the permanent solution negotiations under the ‘Oslo Accords’, which It was supposed to be completed within 5 years of signing the agreement (i.e. in 1999), and it is still pending until now by an Israeli-American decision.

The Democratic Front said: Based on this quick review of the American project, the Democratic Front emphasizes: 1- Rejecting the American card as a corrupt basis for resolving the Palestinian national issue, whose goal is to erase the legitimate national rights of our people and meet the goals of the Zionist project; 2- Emphasizing adherence to the national program of the Palestine Liberation Organization, as it is the only project on the negotiating table, and considering it the acceptable minimum, based in its legal authority on international legitimacy resolutions; 3- Emphasizing the rejection of all dictates and conditions that affect the unity and national sovereignty of our people, which requires the c
ontinuation of the national dialogue, in continuation of what happened in Cairo, Algiers, Moscow and Beijing, and preparation for the next Beijing round, as it is a turning point, including developing mechanisms to implement what is agreed upon. Steps to restore Palestinian national institutional unity: 4- Boycott the American administration and stop all contacts with its delegations, as it is a partner of the Israeli enemy in targeting the national rights of our people, their interests, and the future of their cause; 5- Rejecting all projects and scenarios for the so-called ‘day after’ for Gaza, and emphasizing that the fate of the Strip is part of the national issue, and therefore the fate and future of the Strip are decided by the National Action factions, within the framework of the national consensus, under the roof of M. T. F, the sole legitimate representative of our Palestinian people; 6- Refusing to talk about any normalization of Arab-Israeli relations, before reaching a solution that guarantees the
legitimate national rights of our people, contrary to what was mentioned in the paper, which is an attempt to cover up negotiations, as a cover for generalizing Arab-Israeli normalization; 7- Complete rejection of any negotiations under the pressure of Israeli aggression, and emphasis on immediately stopping the war against our people in the Gaza Strip, and stopping all forms of aggression against our people and our land in the West Bank, including killing, arrests, displacement, destruction of buildings, confiscation of lands, erecting barriers and obstructing the daily life of our people, and stopping Raiding Palestinian camps, cities, towns and villages in the West Bank.

The Democratic Front concluded by calling for an end to betting on any alternative papers, projects, and scenarios for the Palestinian National Program, whatever their source, and affirming that the Palestinian National Institution, represented by the Executive Committee and the Central Council, is exclusively concerned with drawing up th
e national program, directions, and mechanisms to achieve the legitimate rights of our people. Emphasis on rejecting all external pressures and dictates.

Source: Maan News Agency