During his tour in Jenin – Al-Fuqaha: Urgent interventions contributed to the gradual return of water to the destroyed areas

Jenin – Ma’an – Acting head of the Water Authority, Ziad Al-Fuqaha, headed today on a field tour to the city of Jenin, accompanied by specialized crews from the Water Authority, to closely examine the extent of the damage inflicted on the water and sanitation sector as a result of the Israeli aggression and what was implemented urgently in terms of supplies to the water lines to ensure the return of water pumping to citizens.

At the beginning of his tour, Al-Fuqaha met with the Mayor of Jenin, Mr. Diaa Obeid, who briefed him on the extent of the destruction inflicted on the city of Jenin and its camp, and the occupation’s deliberate destruction of the infrastructure and deprivation of citizens of vital services. He praised the Water Authority’s response and rapid cooperation in providing emergency needs and the immediate start of water supplies, which contributed to the gradual return of water to some areas.

For his part, Al-Fuqaha confirmed that work will continue to restore water to all areas. What is bei
ng implemented today is an application of the government policy aimed at supporting the steadfastness of citizens by supporting the necessities of life, most notably water. He stressed that the repeated invasions aim to impose collective punishment on the Palestinian people by reducing and cutting off basic services. This is confirmed by the occupation’s deliberate bulldozing of streets, destroying infrastructure, and causing great damage to many water lines and sewage networks.

Al-Fuqaha and the crew also went to the headquarters of the Popular Committee of Jenin Camp and reviewed the urgent needs in light of the current situation, stressing that the Authority will work to provide the urgent and necessary needs to reconnect all citizens to water, and there is daily follow-up by the technical crews who have worked since the first day to limit the damage and assess the needs.

Inspection of the West Jenin Water Facility

Al-Fuqaha also headed to the headquarters of the West Jenin Water Facility and thanked th
e facility’s crews for their quick response and provision of the necessary support with mechanisms and technical crews to restore water service in a number of locations in the city of Jenin and its camp. During the meeting, he also listened to the status of the water facility and its efforts in monitoring the water situation and the mechanisms followed to monitor losses through the current system, which is the most advanced and contributes to following up on any losses in the necessary manner.

Source: Maan News Agency