Currency Buying Selling Korean Won N/A 0.00310 Moroccan Dirham N/A 0.39180 Malayasian Ringgit 0.73140 0.79000 Norwegian Krona 0.31910 0.37660 New Zealand Dollar 2.19350 2.32230 Philippine Peso 0.05800 0.06410 Pakistani Rupee N/A 0.01360 Swedish Krona 0.32640 0.38390 Singapore Dollar 2.66070 2.77930 Tunisian Dinar N/A 1.25530 Turkish Lira 0.10210 0.12210 U.S. Dollar 3.63000 3.65000 South African Rand N/A 0.21760 Source: Qatar News Agency
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