GCC Secretary General: Israeli-Palestinian Peace Still Elusive

Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Jassim Mohammad Al Budaiwi emphasized that the world should unite and stand firmly against the unjust actions targeting the Palestinian people.

Al Budaiwi said that supporting the struggle of the Palestinians and their aspirations for peace and a brighter future should be the bonds that connect all humans.

These remarks were made during the GCC Secretary General’s participation in a ministerial meeting on “Peace Day Effort: An Effort for Middle East Peace” on the sidelines of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The meeting was organized by Saudi Arabia, the Arab League, and the European Union, in cooperation with Egypt and Jordan.

Al Budaiwi pointed out that this event is a testimony to the gravity of the current situation, as Israeli-Palestinian peace remains elusive, adding that decades have passed since the launch of the peace process in Madrid in 1991, and there is still a real prospect for a two-state solution. This fact serves as a reminder of the complexity of this challenge, but it also strengthens the determination and resolve to reach a solution.

He stressed that the Gulf Cooperation Council has stood alongside its Palestinian brothers in their pursuit of peace and actively collaborated with the United States, the European Union, and many other countries. The Council’s firm commitment is to advocate for a just, comprehensive, and lasting peace in the region based on United Nations resolutions, he said, emphasizing the importance of full implementation of UN Security Council resolutions related to the Palestinian cause.

Al Budaiwi condemned Israeli actions aimed at changing the demographic composition and status of the Palestinian territories under occupation. He reaffirmed the commitment to the 1967 borders and the unequivocal recognition of East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine, calling on the current and future Israeli governments to take real steps toward peace with the Palestinian people, including engaging in real political dialogue while refraining from escalatory measures that would further escalate the conflict and provoke the Palestinian people, such as continuing to build illegal settlements and ignoring widespread international calls to engage in peace talks with the Palestinians.

The GCC Secretary General hailed the Day of Peace initiative for aligning with the urgent need to renew purposeful peace efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people, in line with international law, United Nations resolutions, and the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002.

Source: Qatar News Agency