Head of the Prisoners Club: “Sde Teiman” camp is the biggest address for torture crimes against Gaza detainees

Ramallah – Ma’an – The head of the Prisoners Club, Abdullah Al-Zaghari, said on Monday that the “Sde Teiman” camp is the biggest address for torture crimes against Gaza detainees.

Al-Zaghari added, in a press statement, that what is being discussed through the occupation’s media platforms about a new crime of torture against a detainee from Gaza, and his sexual assault by a group of prison guards in the ‘Sde Teiman’ camp, which is at the forefront of the occupation’s media discourse and the resulting crisis between the occupation’s agencies, constitutes one of the thousands of crimes that have been carried out against Palestinian detainees since the beginning of the war of extermination, and which are increasing in severity and severity with the passage of more time and the implementation of more arrest campaigns.

He explained that this crime clearly refutes the occupation’s claims and what it has been promoting over the past period about its intention to open investigations into the crimes that took place
in the camp, and its ongoing attempt to portray the ‘Sde Teiman’ camp as the only prison that witnessed crimes of torture and rape, and that by transferring the detainees from it, the crimes will stop, noting that ‘other prisons witness the same level of crimes that take place in the Sde Teiman camp, and we have documented many testimonies and testimonies about that, most notably the Negev prison.’

He added that this crisis confirms once again the failure of the occupation in trying to portray what the prison guards and the army are doing as individual behaviors, supported by the statements of the fascist “Ben Gvir” about killing and executing detainees, through the incitement operations that have not stopped against them for years, which have led to the martyrdom of dozens of detainees since the beginning of the war of extermination, and for this stage to record the highest number of martyrs historically among the ranks of detainees, so that their killing and execution operations at this stage constitute on
e of the aspects of the organized war of extermination against our people.

He added that all the calls that have been made over the past period to close the camp, and the promotion of this by transferring the detainees held there, are only part of a series of allegations made by the occupation after a series of international press investigations that addressed torture crimes in the camp, as well as with the escalation of testimonies of detainees from Gaza who were released, in addition to the testimonies of lawyers who were able to complete limited visits to a number of detainees from Gaza, noting that “Sde Teiman” is one station among several prisons that constituted one of the most prominent evidence of torture crimes, including the “Negev” prison.

Al-Zaghari stressed that “since the beginning of the unprecedented escalation of torture crimes against detainees, we have demanded the necessity of opening an international investigation into these crimes, so that it leads to holding the occupation accountable
, which is carrying out its crimes in the face of a terrifying international failure, part of which is the failure of the international system and human rights institutions to put an end to the genocide and crimes against detainees.”

He pointed out that the majority of Gaza detainees are still subject to the crime of enforced disappearance, despite the limited visits that were recently allowed, in addition to the detention of the bodies of dozens of Gaza detainees who were martyred in camps and prisons, and the occupation continues to conceal their identities, in addition to the crime of field execution that was carried out against other detainees.

He called for the necessity of holding an emergency session of the United Nations regarding the killing, torture, rape, starvation, and humiliation to which our detainees are subjected in the occupation’s prisons and camps.

Al-Zaghari held the occupation fully responsible for the fate of thousands of detainees in its prisons, including children and women, and re
newed his demand for immediate and urgent intervention to put an end to the crimes of torture and rape against detainees.

Source: Maan News Agency