Hebron Governor threatens those he calls “mercenaries”

Hebron-Ma’an- Hebron Governor Khaled Dudin threatened those he called “mercenaries” who fire on citizens’ homes and properties, saying that they will be pursued wherever they are and that unprecedented measures will be taken in coordination between all security agencies to bring them to justice and end this phenomenon and its malicious goals, whose interests coincide with those of the occupation in destabilizing civil peace and creating a state of chaos, which is the essence of the national struggle throughout history in order to end the occupation and establish an independent state.

The governor’s statements came during his inspection, on Wednesday afternoon, of a number of shops belonging to the Natsheh family in the center of Hebron, which were subjected to gunfire this morning.

Governor Dudin said: “The national compass of Hebron Governorate will not deviate, and all these attempts to create a civil war under the guidance of the occupation will not succeed.”

Source: Maan News Agency