Independent Commission: The “Tabi’in” Massacre is a New Episode of the Genocide Perpetrated by Israel Against Our People

Ramallah - Ma'an - The Independent Commission for Human Rights (the Board of Grievances) strongly condemned the horrific massacre carried out by the Israeli occupation army against unarmed displaced civilians in the Al-Tabi'in School in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City, on August 10. The Authority said, "Israeli warplanes surprised hundreds of civilians in the aforementioned school with three heavy bombs, while they were performing the dawn prayer, which led to the martyrdom of about a hundred people, including children and the elderly, and the wounding of dozens of others, some of whom were seriously injured. This attack was preceded by ten crimes of bombing shelters since the beginning of this month, with a premeditated intention to physically liquidate them in order to achieve the genocidal intentions of the occupying state." He added, "With the deterioration of health conditions and Israel targeting the hospitals in the Strip, death is a serious threat to the injured or they may become disabled, a s is the case with thousands of injured people, whom the occupying state refuses to allow to leave Gaza in search of treatment and to save their lives." The Commission said, "This horrific massacre against defenseless civilians, who fled the horrors of war to a school they believed was safe according to international law, is nothing but a new episode in the series of genocide that Israel continues to implement in all its components against civilians in the Gaza Strip for the eleventh month. It is evidence of the brutality of Israel, which has begun to act without limits, taking advantage of the lack of real and decisive pressure from the international community to stop it, force it to respect international humanitarian law, and abide by the decisions of the International Court of Justice and the Security Council of the United Nations regarding the war on Gaza." 'The continuation of the genocide, including through the deliberate killing of civilians and the cutting off of the people's lineage in Gaza by kill ing their children and preventing their births, has caused great damage to the global human conscience. At the very least, the international community (states and organizations) continues to stand by and watch and does not do what is required of it to save the lives of people in Gaza from the Israeli war machine, which continues to persevere in the extermination of people there without regard to international humanitarian law and its established principles, including the principle of proportionality and military necessity,' she continued. The Independent Commission expressed "our deep sorrow, regret and solidarity with the victims and their families in Gaza. As we are increasingly frustrated by the inability of the international legal system to stop the genocide and provide justice to the people of Gaza, we call on the countries of the world, especially those that have relations with Israel - the occupying state - to put real pressure on it, including by stopping the export of weapons and severing diplomatic and trade relations, to force it to stop the genocide against civilians in the Gaza Strip, and in particular real pressure to implement the decision of the International Court of Justice issued on January 26, 2024, which stipulates imposing temporary measures on Israel to prevent the completion of the genocide in the Gaza Strip, and to implement Security Council Resolutions No. (2728) on the ceasefire, and No. (2720) on expanding the access of aid to Gaza." We call on the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to expand the scope of his criminal investigations into the war of extermination in Gaza to include the massacre of the Tabeen School and the centers that preceded it that housed the displaced, and we urge him to adopt the description of genocide for Israel's actions and attribute them to it, and we also hope that the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court will expedite its response to the request of the Prosecutor of the Court submitted to it on 20 May 2024 regarding the issuanc e of arrest warrants against Israeli officials responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity involved in committing them in the Gaza Strip. Source: Maan News Agency