Islamic Sufi Council: What is happening in Palestine is a systematic program to eliminate our identity

Ramallah - Ma'an - The Supreme Islamic Sufi Council in Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories considered what is happening in Palestine a systematic program to abolish our identity and erase our existence, especially what the occupation is practicing in the Gaza Strip. The Council said, "These crimes against humanity and the organized and systematic war of extermination declared against our people would not have occurred or continued without this shameful international silence, which is considered a green light for the continuation of this ongoing extermination against our people in all of Palestine, especially Gaza." The Council stressed that "the bet must be on the unity of our great people and the unity of its factions and all its components, with an integrated and effective political, intellectual and faith-based partnership. It said that "the internal Palestinian national consensus and solidarity, and rallying around the independent national collective decision, with the activation and revival of w hat remains of our authentic Arab depth, reaching the free people of the world and the bearers of the banner of humanity in the world wherever they are, is the way for our steadfastness on the path of victory, return and achieving self-determination by establishing the state with its capital, blessed Jerusalem." The Council called on the leadership of all Palestinian factions to hasten to crown the national unity of our people through their complete unity, in appreciation and recognition of the sacrifices of our people. Source: Maan News Agency