Kan: Israel is preparing for an escalation in several arenas

A Hebrew channel confirmed that the Israeli security system is preparing for an escalation in several arenas, and this comes in light of an Israeli decision to increase the activity of the Israeli occupation army in the West Bank.

The Hebrew channel Kan explained, “The security system is preparing for an escalation in several arenas with the approaching holiday season and a desire to link them together.”

She added, “The fears come in light of the recent operations in the West Bank and calls from Lebanon and Gaza to implement more,” noting that because of these “Israeli fears,” the Israeli occupation army will increase its activity in the occupied West Bank.

The Hebrew newspaper "Maariv" confirmed yesterday, Friday, September 1, 2023, that "It is expected that the Hamas movement will soon intensify its efforts to undermine the security situation in the West Bank and inside Israel."

The newspaper added, according to what was quoted by the Israeli security system, that “last week, after a long period of relative calm, the Gaza Strip also appears to be waking up, as Hamas allows violent tensions near the fence.”

She pointed out that "it is not unlikely that at some point the launching of rockets from the Strip will resume as is usually the case," adding that "these events, based on past experience, remind us that the deteriorating security situation in the West Bank will eventually lead to a major operation in the Gaza Strip." .

She pointed out that "the Israeli army is preparing for a period full of security and internal challenges, as tensions are escalating with Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the security establishment is also facing the consequences of the deep crisis that Israeli society is experiencing on the efficiency and cohesion of the army

Source: Maan News Agency