The Cultural Village Foundation- Katara announced opening the registration for the public to be nominated for Katara's seventh award for Qu'ran Recitation during Oct. 1 until Dec. 15 under the theme: 'Decorate the Qur'an with your voices'.
The initiatives comes within Katara's commitment to its leading cultural and religious role in the Arab and Islamic world aimed at discovering the distinguished talents in Qu'ran recitation and presenting excelled reciters to the world based on Tajweed science under the auspices of the Ministry of Endowments (Awqaf) and Islamic Affairs.
The screening committee will embark on evaluating all participations to ultimately select the best 100 ones to be further qualified for the finals in Doha through televised episodes.
The jury committee of the award comprises 6 members specialized in Tajweed and beautiful recitation.
The value of the allocated award is QR900,000. The winner of the first place will receive QR500,000, QR300,000 for winner of the second place and QR100,000 for winner of the third place.
Source: Qatar News Agency