MCIT Calls for Voting for the Qatari Projects Nominated for the WSIS Prizes 2023

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) invites citizens, residents, and stakeholders in the State of Qatar to vote for the Qatari projects nominated for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Prizes 2023, through the competition’s voting link, before the deadline of the voting phase set on the 25th of January 2023.

This competition, organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), is considered to be the only global platform for identifying and presenting success stories in implementing the 18 Action Lines endorsed by the WSIS outlined in the Geneva Plan of Action, to evaluate projects that leverage the power of ICT to advance sustainable development.

The list of nominated Qatari projects includes 10 projects which are:

TASMU Digital Valley – Ministry of Communications and Information Technology – Category 1 “The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development”

The Government Data Center – Ministry of Communications and Information Technology – Category 2 “Information and communication infrastructure”

Government Network – Ministry of Communications and Information Technology –Category 2 “Information and communication infrastructure”

Qatar Open Data Portal – Ministry of Communications and Information Technology – Category 3 “Access to information and knowledge”

Electronic Education Program for Elderly People – Ehsan for Empowerment and Care – Category 4 “Capacity building”

National Information Security Compliance Framework (NISCF) – National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA) – Category 5 “Building confidence and security in use of ICTs”

Qatar e-Government Portal (Hukoomi) – Ministry of Communications and Information Technology – Category 7 “E-government”

Industrial Portal Services – Ministry of Commerce and Industry – Category 7 “E-business”

Digital Farmer Community – Ministry of Communications and Information Technology – Category 7 “E-agriculture”

Media Analytics Service – Ministry of Communications and Information Technology –Category 9 “Media”

After the voting phase ends, of all nominated projects from various countries worldwide, 5 projects with the highest number of votes in each category of the 18 categories will be determined. In the fourth competition phase, the ITU Expert Group will conduct an in-depth analysis of the five most-voted projects per category and select one winning project for each category. Both Winners and Champions will be announced and promoted as Champions.

In the fifth, final competition phase, the 18 Winners will be officially announced, in addition to being recognized with the 72 Champions that will be awarded excellence certificates, during WSIS Prizes 2023 Ceremony, which will be held at WSIS Forum 2023.

Details of the winning projects will be showcased in the WSIS Stocktaking: Success Stories 2023 publication, while all submitted descriptions of projects and activities will be reflected in the WSIS Stocktaking Report 2023.

The WSIS Prize 2023 Ceremony is a tribute to the qualified and winning projects, distinguished during the competition stages and qualified for the final stages.

Source: Government of Qatar