Painful and horrific testimonies of Gaza prisoners in Ofer prison

The lawyer of the Prisoners’ Affairs Authority was able to visit a number of Gaza prisoners held in Ofer prison last weekend. They narrated with anguish that surpassed all forms of pain, suffering and sadness the treatment they were subjected to, devoid of all human and moral values, at the hands of the occupation soldiers and Israeli jailers.

The Authority’s lawyer conveyed what the prisoners of Gaza were exposed to, specifically during the first months of the war, through his visit to the prisoners Muhammad Jamous (44 years old), who has been detained since March 3rd, Fadi Ayyad (39 years old), an administrative detainee, and Fadi Huwaidi (38 years old).

The following is a summary of the prisoners’ testimonies: ‘What we were subjected to was a real act of fascism, stripping, beating, torture and abuse, tying our hands and feet, blindfolding, turning us into prey for these rabid beasts, who took pleasure in our hunger, thirst, screaming and illness, to the point that we do not believe today that we are sti
ll alive.’

The prisoners continued to the committee’s lawyer, ‘We are talking about the three of us, but this is the voice of all the prisoners in Gaza who were arrested after October 7. The journey of death begins from the moment of arrest, passing through the transportation in military vehicles and trucks, where we were humiliated and our humanity denied through harsh torture and insults, arriving at the prisons where we wished the ground would swallow us up because of the hatred and madness we witnessed, of soldiers in the prime of their lives, who tortured us in every way and manner. They broke our bones, opened our heads, and blood flowed from all our bodies. We were transferred to hospitals and treated, only to start the series of killing us again, to the point that our minds could not comprehend what was happening and what we were being exposed to.’

The prisoners added, ‘Since our arrest, we spend most of our time sitting on our feet or lying on our stomachs. No matter how much torture you are subjec
ted to, you are not allowed to make a sound or express your pain. Dogs were also used to assault and terrorize us, in addition to tear gas and pepper gas that was pumped into our rooms for no reason. We are not exaggerating if we say that the majority of Gaza’s prisoners lost consciousness many times under open and unrestrained beatings. We witnessed martyrs rising under beatings, such as the case of the martyr prisoner Islam Sarsawi.’

The prisoners concluded their testimony by saying, ‘Today we are all sick, our bodies are exhausted, and we have become prey to illness and injuries from beatings and torture. We are not provided with treatment or medication. Despite all these miserable conditions, we still cling to the hope that we will return to our families alive, as we challenge reality with all its deadly and deadly details in order to embrace our mothers, fathers, wives and children again

Source: Maan News Agency