Shoukry warns of serious consequences of Israel’s launching of military operation in Rafah

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry warned of the serious consequences of any Israeli military operation in the city of Rafah, and its catastrophic humanitarian implications for Palestinian citizens, as well as its potential security impacts on the region’s stability.

This came during the participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs on Sunday in the joint consultative meeting of the foreign ministers between Egypt and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), held in the Saudi capital Riyadh.

Foreign Ministry Official Spokesperson Ahmed Abu Zeid said that Shoukry emphasized the need to put an end to Israeli practices that obstruct the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, and the necessity of fully delivering aid, including northern Gaza.

The spokesperson also mentioned that Shoukry stressed in his speech the increasing importance of the political consultation mechanism as an institutional framework bringing Egypt together with the GCC countries, providing important opportunities for developing partnersh
ips and cooperation programs in priority areas for the benefit and prosperity of the sisterly peoples.

He pointed out that Egyptian-Gulf political, economic, and social interests are strategic common interests that are indivisible and inseparable, and that bilateral relations remain a cornerstone for stability in the region.

Abu Zeid added “The Foreign Minister addressed the delicate situation our Arab region is going through following the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip,” emphasizing the pivotal role of joint Arab coordination in mitigating this humanitarian crisis, stopping Israeli aggressions against Palestinian brethren, and preserving the stability and resources of the region.

This comes at a time when the international community has shown an inability to demonstrate a decisive will to stop the ceasefire violations or to halt Israeli practices targeting Gaza’s population, including innocent children, starvation, siege, and attempts at forced displacement, representing systematic practices to settle the
Palestinian issue.

The spokesperson revealed that Shoukry’s discussions with his counterparts in the GCC countries also addressed security threats to navigation in the Red Sea, as well as the situations in Libya, Sudan, Syria, and Somalia.

Also, Shoukry briefed his counterparts on developments regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and the Ethiopian side’s obstinate approach that disregards principles of good neighborliness, leading Egypt to suspend its participation in the negotiations.

On his part, the Secretary-General of the GCC Jassim Al-Bedaiwi reaffirmed the historical and distinguished strategy of Egyptian-Gulf relations, considering Egypt as an indispensable strategic fraternal partner. He emphasized the mutual desire of both sides to deepen bilateral cooperation pathways, as well as the joint interest in confronting the challenges facing the Arab region.

In a related context, GCC chief reiterated the Arab position demanding the necessity of a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, stopping t
he Israeli war on the territory, and ensuring the full delivery of aid, along with providing all forms of support to the Palestinian people.

He also affirmed that the water security of Egypt and Sudan is an integral part of Arab national security, explaining the GCC countries’ rejection of any action that infringes upon the rights of both countries in the Nile waters.

The official spokesperson concluded his remarks by stating that today’s foreign ministers’ meeting is the second since the adoption of the political consultation mechanism between Egypt and the GCC countries, with the memorandum of understanding for its establishment signed in February 2022.

He explained that the establishment of the mechanism aims to deepen the already distinguished partnership frameworks between the two sides on political and economic levels, as well as to enhance the level of political coordination between Egypt and the GCC on regional issues to preserve the safety and potentials of their peoples.

Source: State Informati
on Service Egypt