Syria urges the US to abandon its destructive policies in the region

New York, Syria’s permanent representative to the United Nations in New York, Ambassador Qussai al-Dahhak, expressed Syria’s categorical rejection of all the pretexts the US tries to use to justify its recent aggression against Syrian territory, affirming that Washington intends to protect its mercenaries in the region from terrorist organizations and separatist militias.

During an extraordinary session of the Security Council convened by Russia to debate threats to international peace and security, the Syrian delegate said that the aggression will not deter Syria from continuing its efforts to liberate all of its territory from the illegal foreign military presence, eradicate terrorism and restore the authority of the State.

‘The sinful aggression committed by the United States against Syria and brotherly Iraq represents a threat to regional and international peace and security, and is a flagrant violation of International Law, humanitarian law, and the principles and purposes of the United Nations,’ said
the diplomat.

Al-Dahhak added that the US aggression against Syria caused the martyrdom of 37 people, including soldiers and civilians, while another 34 were injured, in addition to the destruction of several residential buildings in which numerous families lived and a school, in addition to causing damage to cars and historical sites, including al-Rahba Castle.

Syria’s permanent representative noted that the US administration is repeating the same flimsy pretexts and misleading accusations in an attempt to justify its repeated attacks, including presenting a distorted interpretation of the provisions of the United Nations Charter, especially Article 51 of the Charter, ignoring that the occupant does not have the right to self-defense.

‘The root causes of conflict, suffering and instability in our region are the misguided policies of the United States and its blind support for the Israeli entity and its brutal crimes, including the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people,’ he said.

He regretted th
at successive US administrations have obstructed the work of the Security Council and paralyzed its ability to assume the basic responsibility entrusted to it by the member states to maintain international peace and security.

According to al-Dahhak, this aggression will not deter Syria from continuing its efforts, by all legitimate means, to liberate its entire territory from the illegal foreign military presence, eliminate terrorism and restore state authority and the rule of law, and guarantee security and well-being to the Syrian people.

Finally, the Syrian representative demanded that the United States abandon its misguided and destructive policies in the region, end its illegal military presence in Syrian territory and stop the suffering it is causing to the Syrian people as a result of its inhumane coercive measures, its looting of national wealth and its support for terrorist organizations and separatist militias.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency