The occupation arrests a young man from Faqoua

Jenin - Ma'an - On Saturday evening, the Israeli occupation forces arrested a young man from the village of Faqoua, northeast of Jenin, and stormed several villages and towns in the governorate. Security sources reported that the occupation forces arrested the young man, Adham Ali Abu Eid, from Faqoua, after storming the village. In the same context, the occupation forces stormed the villages of Jalboun, Arbouna, Faqoua, Arana, Deir Ghazala, and Zububa, and launched a massive search campaign, without any arrests being reported. The head of the Jalboun Village Council, Ibrahim Abu Al-Rub, told 'Wafa' that the occupation forces are still seizing the house and laundry of the citizen Rafi' Rafiq Abu Al-Rub, for the twenty-first day in a row. Source: Maan News Agency