The occupation arrests five citizens from Hebron

Hebron-Ma’an- Israeli occupation forces arrested five citizens from the city of Hebron and the town of Beit Kahil at dawn on Wednesday, including a female university student.

Local sources reported that the occupation forces stormed several areas and neighborhoods in the city of Hebron, raided several homes and abused their owners.

The sources added that the occupation forces, during their raid on homes in the city of Hebron, arrested the following: Baraa Trad al-Salaymeh, a student at Hebron University, and the young man Karim Sayed Ahmed, who was severely beaten. Sheikh Yousef al-Sarsour and Ayman al-Qawasmeh were also arrested from the city of Hebron.

Citizen Rawhi Abdel Fattah Al-Deek from Al-Arroub camp was also arrested after his homes were raided.

The sources explained that the occupation forces raided the home of the Salim Talab Abu Aisha family in the Jabal Abu Rumman neighborhood in the city of Hebron, and detained all the family members in one room, and the men’s hands were tied, and they sever
ely beat Muwaffaq Abu Aisha, which led to him suffering bruises and contusions to the face and various parts of his body. They also raided the home of the citizen Ahmed Jamjoum’s family in the same neighborhood, and beat the owner of the house, which led to him suffering bruises and contusions.

Source: Maan News Agency