The occupation isolates Hebron and closes all roads leading to the main streets (photos)

HEBRON – Ma’an – The Israeli occupation forces tightened their isolation of the city of Hebron from its surroundings on Saturday evening, closing all roads leading to the main streets with iron gates, cement blocks and earthen barriers.

The occupation forces stormed several neighborhoods in the city of Hebron, and their presence was concentrated during the morning hours in the areas of Jabal Abu Rumman and Wadi al-Hariyah, and during that they raided several homes of the Abu Afifa and Marqa families, and blew up a room in one of the homes.

The occupation authorities accuse the two young men, Zahdi Nidal Abu Afifa and Muhammad Ihsan Marqa, of carrying out a double operation by blowing up two cars. The first took place at a gas station in the Gush Etzion area and the second at the entrance to the Karmi Tzur settlement north of Hebron, shortly before midnight last night. They were martyred by the bullets of the occupation soldiers.

The occupation forces also closed the Ibrahimi Mosque to worshippers, and it w
as reopened this afternoon.

Source: Maan News Agency