Doha: The Ajyal Film Festival 2024, organized by the Doha Film Institute, continues its vibrant activities, hosting an array of global filmmakers who are sharing their cinematic journeys and the stories behind their works with festival attendees. On this occasion, the DFI organized a press meeting with two renowned international filmmakers: Misan Harriman, an Oscar-nominated photographer and filmmaker, and Jianjie Lin, the director of the film "Brief History of a Family." According to Qatar News Agency, Misan Harriman expressed his admiration for the festival's decision to open with a film about Sudan, highlighting the significant impact of showcasing "Sudan, Remember Us" at Ajyal 2024. Harriman emphasized that this choice marked a revolutionary moment for the festival. He was also moved by the inclusion of "From Ground Zero," which features 22 short films created by filmmakers from Gaza, capturing the ongoing war on Palestine. Harriman, an Ambassador for Save the Children, noted that the films at Ajyal refl ect the reality of Palestinian children and align with his own commitments to documenting humanitarian crises. Harriman, the founder of 'What We Seee', shared insights into how the platform has evolved as a Web 3 phenomenon, integrating technology and culture to create opportunities for the vulnerable. Through his work, Harriman challenges conventional narratives and advocates for social change, driven by a deep-seated commitment to justice. His journey as a photographer began at age 40, and he gained global recognition during the Black Lives Matter protests for his powerful imagery. Harriman's work, including his Oscar-nominated short film "The After," focuses on underrepresented voices and stories, emphasizing the importance of truth in today's world. Meanwhile, Jianjie Lin, director of "Brief History of a Family," shared his perspective on the global relevance of human concepts. Lin's first feature film examines familial structures and their response to societal changes, particularly the impact of China' s one-child policy on middle-class families. He praised Ajyal for including young people in the conversation and credited the Doha Film Institute for helping him reach a global audience with a diverse team.