UN Agency Reveals Damage to About Two-Thirds of Buildings in Gaza Strip Due to Israeli Aggression

The United Nations Satellite Analysis Agency (UNOSAT) revealed Friday that about two-thirds of buildings in the Gaza Strip were damaged due to the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, which has been ongoing for ten months, based on images captured by satellites. UNOSAT said in a statement that its latest damage assessments reveal that 151,265 buildings in the Strip were damaged, noting that these statistics were based on images taken on July 6, and were compared with previous images taken in May 2023. It noted that 30 percent of the buildings were completely destroyed, 12 percent were seriously damaged, 36 percent were moderately damaged, and 20 percent were likely damaged, stressing that these facts confirm that about 63 percent of all buildings in Gaza were damaged, with 114 kilograms of rubble per square meter in the Strip. The United Nations had previously estimated that removing the rubble from the Gaza Strip after the end of the war would take about 15 years, assuming the use of 100 trucks per day. Source: Qatar News Agency