Civil society organizations call for the protection of the right of Bedouins and people with disabilities to citizenship, equality, and non-discrimination

Ramallah - Together - Representatives of civil society organizations, media organizations and community coalitions pointed to the importance of activating their role in protecting the rights of minorities, especially people with disabilities and Bedouins, to citizenship, equality and participation in public life, in implementation and commitment to the constitutional principles, rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Basic Law and contained in Articles 9 and 26 thereof through collective action representing a community network concerned with protecting and promoting these rights, and taking all official and civil measures to ensure the fulfillment of these rights on the basis of equality, prohibiting discrimination, and holding violators accountable. This came as a culmination of the meeting in which twenty community activists, including 9 women, participated, organized by the Palestinian Center for the Independence of the Legal Profession and Judiciary (Musawa) in cooperation with the International Civil For um and with the support of the Minority Rights Group MRG this morning at the headquarters of the Stars of Hope Association in Al-Bireh under the title: 'Opportunities and challenges facing the formation of... A network for the protection of minority rights in Palestine. The meeting, which lasted for two hours, also covered a diagnosis of the most prominent demands and urgent basic rights that must be officially fulfilled, including a commitment to faithfully implement the health insurance system that was approved and issued by the previous government and has become part of the legislation in force and must be respected, including the formation of specialized committees with the authority to implement the provisions of the system to As well as the rights of Bedouins to water and pastures, marketing their products, fulfilling the requirements for their enjoyment of the right to health and education, choosing local bodies to represent them, and their right to housing and use of land in a way that contributes to their stability and security. The attendees pointed out the importance of intensifying demands on official bodies to expedite the resolution of the obstacles that still prevent the official fulfillment of these rights and to place their urgent demands on the table of society and the relevant official bodies. The attendees discussed the mechanisms available to develop the capabilities of young activists, enabling them to develop their tools in defending the rights of citizens, including minorities, in addition to ways to provide legal aid to people with disabilities and Bedouins in their places of residence, and to motivate community figures to further activate their role in defending the rights of minorities. and disadvantaged and marginalized groups. The attendees agreed to continue communication and joint work in a sustainable manner. It is noteworthy that the institutions that participated in the meeting included, in addition to Musawah and the Civil Forum, Al-Haq Foundation, Hurriyat Center, Al-Baidar Organization, Shams Center, the Palestinian Disability Coalition, the Red Crescent Society, Mada News Agency, the General Union of People with Disabilities, the Young Men's Christian Association, the Stars of Hope Association, and male and female community activists. Source: Maan News Agency