Consultative meeting in Hebron Governorate to support prisoners inside occupation prisons

HEBRON - Ma'an - A consultative meeting was held on Monday afternoon at the headquarters of the Hebron Governorate to discuss ways to support and assist prisoners inside the occupation prisons. The meeting was attended by the Governor of Hebron, Khaled Dudin, the head of the Commission of Prisoners' Affairs and Freed Prisoners, Minister Qadura Fares, the Prisoners' Families Committee, and a group of freed prisoners, especially after the events of October 7. In his speech, Governor Dudin welcomed the attendees, stressing the importance of this meeting, which comes amid harsh conditions and violations to which prisoners are subjected, revealing the true face of the Israeli occupation. He stressed the importance of developing a comprehensive program to support prisoners and break the blackout practiced by the prison administration regarding the injustice and brutality to which prisoners are subjected, especially after the events of October 7. He called on all components of Palestinian society to unite and join forces to support our prisoners in the occupation prisons. Minister Qaddoura said that this meeting is for consultation and exchange of ideas on how to support the prisoners in their distress and ordeal inside the prisons, stressing that the occupying state is acting based on its sense of failure and confusion, and therefore has shown a tendency towards revenge and racism towards the prisoners. He spoke about the tools available to support Gaza and the prisoners and to convey what is happening to the entire world, and that the war in Gaza and the West Bank has exposed the mask of democracy for the occupying state. Then the floor was opened for interventions by the attendees to listen to a detailed explanation of the conditions of the prisoners, their suffering, and ways to support them through comprehensive initiatives and plans at the national level and on an ongoing basis in cooperation between all components of Palestinian society. Source: Maan News Agency