Dashti: Ending Syrians’ suffering entails lifting unilateral Western economic measures

Geneva, Abdul Hameed Dashti, President of the International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights, stressed that the Commission of Inquiry on Syria continues to politicize its reports in a way that serves the conspiring countries, noting that ending the suffering of the Syrian people requires stopping the aggressive war and lifting coercive Western economic measures. Before the 55th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Dashti added that the Commission still works to distort the reality of the situation, explaining that these same countries have abandoned condemning the crimes of genocide committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people, especially in the Gaza Strip. Dashti noted that the Commission's tireless work according to these impotent mechanisms is nothing but a factor of support for the Israeli occupation and a cover-up for its continuing attacks on Syria, which were not addressed in the Commission's report. ing the suffering of the Syrians requires that the Com mission finish its work and refer the matter to the Human Rights Council to take a decision in order to refer the matter, in turn, to the UN Security Council for a decision stopping the war and ending the siege imposed on Syria, Dashti stressed. Source: Syrian Arab News Agency