Donetsk: Ukrainian troops bombed residential areas 23 times over 24 past hours

Donetsk, The Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of Issues Related to Ukrainian War Crimes (JCCC) in Ukraine announced that Kiev forces have shelled residential areas of the republic 23 times for the past 24 hours. ' During the past 24 hours, the DPR mission at the JCCC recorded 23 incidents of shelling by Ukrainian forces, including 14 incidents on the Donetsk axis and 9 on the Gorlovka axis, Overall, 64 rounds of munitions have been fired at residential areas in the DPR,while no information was received about casualties among civilians.' RT website quoted the representative as saying in a statement Tuesday. On an almost daily basis, Ukrainian forces target infrastructure and civilians in the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics, using terrorist methods in bombing residential areas with the support of NATO forces. Source: Syrian Arab News Agency