Governor Mohamed Taha visits ‘Together’ headquarters to continue working to enforce the law on everyone

Bethlehem-Ma'an- His Excellency the Governor of Bethlehem, Mr. Mohammad Taha, accompanied by a delegation from the governorate and the Fatah Organization, visited the headquarters of Ma'an Agency in Bethlehem today, Sunday. The governor met with the crews and editor-in-chief Nasser Al-Lahham, and the two parties discussed ways to continue to establish social justice and steadfastness in the tenth month of the war, during which Bethlehem is under a severe and continuous siege without tourism, work, agriculture, industry, or communication with the capital, Jerusalem. The governor was accompanied by: Secretary of the Fatah Movement in Bethlehem Mohammad Al-Masri, Head of the Factions Coordination Committee Mohammad Al-Jaafari, Director General of the Bethlehem Governor Fouad Salem, and Head of the Hotels Association Elias Al-Arja. His Excellency stressed that all the problems the governorate suffers from are caused by the siege, the policy of impoverishment, and the failure to open up life prospects for the y oung generation, calling for the enforcement of the law above all so that some do not believe that the law is enforced on one group and not another. For his part, the editor-in-chief of Ma'an stressed the need for the government to pay attention to Bethlehem, as it is larger than a city and larger than a governorate, and it is the religious capital of billions of Christian believers in the world, and its siege must not continue before the eyes of the world. In addition, the extremists in the occupation government are calling for control of areas east and west of Bethlehem, which is a disaster for the governorate, its people, and its future. Source: Maan News Agency