In support of tourism… Jerusalem Electricity provides two electric vehicles to the Bethlehem municipality

The Jerusalem Governorate Electricity Company, within the framework of its national and community responsibility, provided two electric vehicles to the Bethlehem Municipality in support of the municipality's capabilities in serving tourists who visit the city annually.

The ceremony of handing over the two vehicles took place at the headquarters of the Municipality of Bethlehem in the presence of Mayor Hanna Hanania and members of the Municipal Council, and in the presence of the delegation of the Jerusalem Governorate Electricity Company, represented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager, Engineer Hisham Al-Omari, a number of members of the company’s Board of Directors, and the director of the company’s branch in Bethlehem, Engineer Jawad Abu Zar and Firas. Gibran, Director of External Public Relations and Protocol at the company, and in the presence of a delegation representing a number of Italian municipalities.

Public relations at the Jerusalem Electricity Company confirmed the company's interest in issues of a societal nature and also providing support and assistance to vital sectors that contribute to the prosperity and development of society.

Public Relations added that it is not new or strange for the Jerusalem Electricity Company to provide the two vehicles to the municipality of Bethlehem, as the Jerusalem Electricity Company is always present at all national, social and religious occasions, and it is an essential contributor and supporter in supporting vital sectors in Palestinian society.

The step to provide a helping hand and assistance to the tourism sector in the city of “Cradle of Christ” also comes in the context of facilitating the services provided to the municipality, especially in the narrow spaces and squares in the city’s old town, which need special vehicles similar to the vehicles that were donated. It is an initiative presented by the Jerusalem Company to support the tourism sector. In the city of Bethlehem, “the city of peace.”

The public relations of the Jerusalem Company also emphasized the company's interest in supporting and supporting sectors that help the development and prosperity of Bethlehem Governorate and the development of the work of the tourism sector in it

Source: Maan News Agency