Lazzarini: ‘Israel’ bans entry of vital aid to Gaza

Occupied Jerusalem, UNRWA commissioner-general Philippe Lazzarini, confirmed that Israeli occupation authorities banned the entry of critical aid to stricken Gaza Strip, which has been subjected to continuous aggression for nearly five months. 'All residents of Gaza strip depend on humanitarian aid for survival, but very little comes in and restrictions increase,' Lazzarini said on his account on 'X' platform according to WAFA agency. Lazzarini added: 'A truck loaded with aid has just been turned back because it had scissors used in children's medical kits. In turn, Ricardo Perez, spokesman for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), said that he cannot find appropriate words to describe the horrors that Gaza's children are exposed to due to famine, noting that children are the group most affected by the disaster of famine and malnutrition in Gaza Strip. Perez called for an end to the war to end the nightmare that residents are experiencing, stressing the necessity of an immediate ceasefire in the St rip. Source: Syrian Arab News Agency