Prisoners in Gilboa Prison are living under difficult detention conditions

Ramallah - Ma'an - The Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Commission reported on Tuesday morning that the prisoners in Gilboa prison are living in extremely difficult conditions, due to the Israeli policies and the complete changes that occurred after October 7, which turned Israeli prisons and detention centers into what resemble real graves, where torture and beatings are practiced in the most horrific forms, resulting in the martyrdom of dozens of prisoners from various Palestinian governorates and the occupied interior. The legal unit of the commission, after it was able to visit prisoner Nasser Al-Shawish, who was sentenced to life imprisonment four times, conveyed the details of the prison situation, where he said, 'All our personal and public property was confiscated, and they did not care about the sick or the elderly among us. They turned the rooms of the departments into cells, and we were forbidden from going out and smoking, and we were isolated from the outside world. We do not have clothes or b lankets. We are being deprived of a razor, nail clippers, and cleaning materials, and penalties and fines are imposed on us.' He added that the suffering of sick prisoners in prison is getting worse, as there is no health care, and the sick cases are not treated seriously. What is provided to them is some routine painkillers, which have no purpose other than creating the appropriate environment for these diseases to grow and spread, and increase the aches and pains, which have become a constant companion for prisoners around the clock. The Commission warned against the continuation of this hatred of the Israeli occupation state against our male and female prisoners, adding that what is happening in Gilboa Prison is happening in all prisons and detention centers. Source: Maan News Agency