Swedish Study: Stress Impairs Brain’s Ability to Perform Normal Functions

A Swedish study revealed that physiological stress (high levels of the cortisol hormone in the blood) impairs the brains ability to perform normal functions. Alzheimer's and Dementia Journal published a research study by scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden confirming that stress indirectly depletes the brain's cognitive reserve, which negatively affects the quality of sleep. According to the study, practicing mindfulness and meditation exercises can reduce the level of cortisol and prevent unwanted changes in the brain, and thus its effect on the psyche. Cognitive stimulation and enrichment of life experiences and behaviors, such as higher education, challenging work, sustained physical and recreational activities, and healthy social interactions, help build cognitive reserve, while on the other hand high or constant level of stress exhausts it. This became clear to scientists from the results of a study in which 113 volunteers participated, during which they evaluated the levels of physio logical stress that each volunteer had suffered or was suffering from, by evaluating the level of cortisol hormone in saliva. It turns out that severe physiological stress is associated with the most obvious biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease. Source: Qatar News Agency