Syrian delegation meets delegations of Russia and Iran within 20th Int’l meeting in Astana format

Within the 20th International Meeting on Syria in the Astana format, the delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic, headed by Dr. Ayman Sousan, Assistant Foreign and Expatriates Minister, met with the Russian delegation, headed by Mikhail Bogdanov, Deputy Foreign Minister and Special Representative of the Russian President for Middle East Affairs.

Later, the Syrian delegation held another meeting with the Iranian delegation, headed by Ali Asghar Khaji, senior Assistant to the Iranian Foreign Minister for Special Political Affairs.

During the two meetings, discussions revolved around the agenda of the meeting, and viewpoints converged on various relevant issues.

Aspects related to the four-way meeting at the level of deputy foreign ministers of the Syrian Arab Republic, the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Turkish Republic were also on the table. In this context, Dr. Sousan stressed that the Turkish withdrawal from the Syrian territories constitutes the only entry point for any normal relations between the two countries, or for any cooperation in any field.

He affirmed that combating terrorism is not selective, and that ensuring border security is a common responsibility of neighboring countries.

Bogdanov and Khaji reiterated their countries’ support for Syria in preserving its sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, and not interfering in its internal affairs.

It was also agreed to continue consultations and coordination between Syria, Russia and Iran on various related aspects to enhance common visions in line with current developments.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency